"Voice Box Damaged."

Ang hirap pala pag paos ka.

Like really. You can't say a word, you laugh as if it were your last breath, you sound like a cracker when you cough.

Yes, it almost does the same as having phlegm inside your lungs. 😝

Your voice box is one of the most used parts in the body, and it really isn't recognized as much as we would expect it too.

I can't even tell the difference between the laugh box and the voice box. Someone inform me.

Right now, I'm having this some sort of throat pain due to the excessive shouting from our Yell Practices by Cheedance Day, and I just made the condition worse by drinking cold beverages. Add carbonated drinks to that list in that matter.

Ikaw kaya sumigaw ng 2 oras, tapos 20 minutes lang pahinga mo in between. Saklap! 😞

The common things you could do while you couldn't speak actually could be a benefit for you. It really isn't a lot to take in, but..

You could excuse yourself from reciting or singing in front. Right?
You could actually be healthy if you have the mindset to avoid sweets!
Sore throat = absent. That's excusable, huh?
Fresher breath. You can't put that inside your piehole for the rest of your days, take it out. 
The F R E S H way to take it out however, is to keep gargling.

I won't advertise gargling equipment or liquids here lmao

But having the ability "not to talk properly and well" could indicate problems as well. All ups got their downs. Here are some:

You can't speak well. Come on.
You can't communicate well with another person.
You can't eat most of the food you like because you limit yourself.
You can't sing, so say farewell to the dreams of being the next Justin Bieber.
You wouldn't like a cracker stuck in your mouth in a couple of days, would you?
You are my everything 💘
You literally can't talk.
You wouldn't be able to be heard. Guess what? You're mute temporarily.

Scary, isn't it? 🙊

Just don't keep shouting if you're shouting for no reason at all.

I literally broke my voice box a while ago by jamming my heart out, but you know.

I can't sing.

mute temporarily


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